December 3, 2010
and we’re back with another flashback friday…the wedding of our dear friends Sarah & Satoshi!
You may remember some of our story together with Sarah & Tosh from their engagement shoot (way back with our old blog!) Since both Micah & I have had long running friendships with these two, it made witnessing their marriage even sweeter. Their day was full of both laughing & crying (sometimes at the same time) & the room was full of love from all of their friends & family who were so thankful these two were brought together.
Micah started off the day with the guys, who were definitely ready for some fun!
I caught some of the bride’s details – purple was the color of the day, from her drinking straw to her coach purse!
Bride & Groom looking good & glowing with excitement for the day!
Like I said before, the day was full of emotion – here’s the crying & laughing at the same time –
and then just some laughing before the first kiss!
The bridal party full of fun as well…
Sarah & Tosh made peppermint hot chocolate to thank each of their guests! (They did not give away their rings to everyone though =)
Eating their red velvet cake nicely…later on the 4 of us enjoyed some red velvet cake together, but there were no forks to be found. So we all just stuck our faces into the plate!
Father and mother of the bride enjoying a dance together
December 14th, 2010 at 9:30 pm
Aww… thanks you guys. I love looking back on the wedding day and these pictures just help me remember how blessed we are to be married. Have a wonderful Christmas as a family!!
May 2nd, 2017 at 9:15 pm
A friend recently got mad at me when I pointed out that the Marine Corps is a government organization — it was like I’d insulted the Corps. We weaken our ability to govern when we portray government as populated only by idiots. Any organization of human beings can and will respond to great leRs.rdhipeaead Charles Duhigg’s “The Power of Habit” — he points out a number of ways Paul O’Neill created great change in government organizations, and produced great results, through servant leadership.
May 24th, 2017 at 4:07 am
Halo Bung Teguh,Salam kenal juga, nice blog, dari postingan anda saya bisa belajar banyak tentang dinamika panggung politik bangsa ini.Salam,