February 17, 2011
In an effort to catch up on our posts, we’re going to try and highlight our 2010 weddings the best we can!
May was a busy month for us, but it makes things a TON easier when you’re working with awesome couples!
Ben+Lisa – santa monica, ca
One thing I loved about this wedding was just the strong sense of “family.” Regardless if people were related or just friends, you knew that the people at this wedding were family…and there were a LOT of people! When you have a gorgeous bride, a groom that cleans up well, and “family” all around, it’s a recipe for a wedding to remember! Ben and Lisa, thanks so much for letting us walk along side you during this unforgettable day!
Jeff+Ying – fountain valley, ca
Jeff and Ying are probably two of the most easy going people we’ve ever met. They are what we like to call “gamers.” They are game for anything. Even if that means pulling them away from an intimate reception and walk across a couple busy streets to go shoot in a field! LOVE IT. Thanks so much for allowing us to be a part of your special day, you two!
Jeff+Faye – whittier, ca
Jeff and Fay had their wedding at Friendly Hill Country Club in Whittier and the backdrop that was provided was pretty darn awesome. I wish we had time to show all the candid moments that were caught during this wedding because you really get a sense of the ease between Jeff and Faye. These two just love to have fun together. Jeff and Faye, it was a blessing to be able to serve you guys, let’s go get some ramen soon!
And that was our May! Stay tuned because we’re gonna crank some more posts out soon! Love ya!
-the gilmores
May 3rd, 2017 at 11:58 pm
Well as a small busnmessian myself I can tell you it has only gotten more difficult. We see no breaks. I have been in business for 7 years after being laid off and I am about ready to shut my doors. So far my profit for this month is just a little over 100.00. It is just not worth it.
May 4th, 2017 at 10:14 pm
There is no easy way, no short cuts — but it's not brain surgery either! Build good content — be a bit clever about including the sorts of things people like to link to. Build good repitionshals with other quality relevant site owners — using social media networks or not. You gotta put in the work people if you want to see a long term return! Good overview on this topic. Have been seeing a lot of posts on link building lately – time to get back to basics!