John & Melody – love is the new black{engagement} bythegilmores

March 30, 2011

Hi McBloggies!

Taking a break from our ‘flashback’ posts to keep you up to date…we’ve been shooting lots of amazing engagement sessions that we’re excited to share with you!

First up – Mel + John!

Melody + John are getting married THIS WEEKEND! It’s so crazy – you see, Mel’s been one of my closest friends since Jr. High. We met on the basketball courts up at a Jr. High camp one summer – I really don’t remember how the conversation went, but even with our awkwardness, interesting haircuts, braces, and jr. high skin, we became friends. We never show pictures of when our friendship started, but we know that we must be true friends if we met then and still liked each other! Many meals, pictures, camps, missions trips to Mexicali & Japan, dances, letters, emails, more meals, graduations, college at UCSD, living walking distance away, more graduations (& more yummy meals), a wedding, and engagement, and a baby later…we’re coming up to Mel & John’s wedding.

So this will be the first wedding where I’m IN the wedding & Micah will be the photographer – I think it will be strange for me to be on the other side of the camera, I’ll probably be wanting to help Micah the whole day, but I know he’ll have an awesome second shooter!

Anyways, on to the pictures – we spent the day in Orange & just had some fun together!








You will notice that from this point on I chose the sillier pictures – we got plenty of beautiful, classic shots, I promise! But I was waiting for this side of Mel (& John) to come out too – Melody has one of the biggest/loudest/most distinctive laughs, and the shots of their playfulness mixed with eye rolling really are my favorites. Of course, I love the “CD Cover” images too!



Hello creepy-sneaky-lucky-cat.





Mel + John – Can’t wait to celebrate with you this weekend!

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