Where does the time go? {life} bythegilmores

May 17, 2011

There’s a story of when I was just a few years old that I told my mom that I didn’t want to grow up. I said I didn’t want things to change & I wanted to be with my mom & dad forever, and I was so sad about it that I started crying. It’s kind of funny because my parents always said I had a tough time with transitions growing up, but I always remember wishing that I was already at the next stage in my life. When I was in Jr. High I couldn’t wait for High School, and when I was in High School I couldn’t wait until college…when I was in college I wanted to be married (to micah of course). I look back at it now and all of it has just flown by – and now I’m a mom. Married with a baby. Where did the time go?

I think everyday around 9pm when I’m getting ready to put Landon to bed I think “where did the time go today??” And especially in these past 7 months learning to be his mommy, I have no idea where the time flies to. Just thinking about where I was one year ago –

A year ago…I was an expecting mommy-to-be. My best friend still lived in Japan. I remember watching a lot of CSI & eating crackers when I had afternoons feeling sick & sleepy. I had never owned a flat iron (& my hair was super long). Micah & I were going through our crazy May but were looking forward to celebrating our anniversary in Vegas eating & watching the Jabbawockeez.  My dad was in Biloxi building houses with Habitat for Humanity (& he’s there again this year). I had never stayed in the hospital (other than when I was born). I had never changed a cloth diaper or given a baby a bath. Oh, and those Lakers were still in the playoffs!

Life changes so quickly whether we want it to or not. There are days when I look at Landon and I wish I could freeze time because he’s already growing up so fast. I’m sure it’s surreal for my parents to remember me as the little kid who said I didn’t want to grow up who now has a little one of her own.  (please excuse the blurriness of my pic on the left, it’s a scan of a copy!)

Even though I didn’t want to grow up before, I’m so thankful that I did. My life was so good growing up with my mom & dad & Mike, and my life is even fuller now with Micah & Landon. If I hadn’t grown up, I wouldn’t have met my best friends, or have been to Japan or China, or have ever owned a flat iron (that is a very important thing, of course). My sense of sarcasm wouldn’t have developed, and we all know what a gift to the world that is. On a more serious note, I wouldn’t have experienced what I did this past year – I wouldn’t have grown in hoping in the Lord, trusting Him to take care of our baby & provide somehow for all of the hospital bills. Even Micah & I experienced growth in our love as we went through our toughest trial together yet, only to experience one of our greatest joys.

So I’m so thankful for another year of life, and all of the growth it brought with it. When I was little I didn’t want to grow up. Now that I’m older I’m excited to see what growing up will bring! I still don’t know where the time goes, but I’m grateful for the gift that it is. =)

oh and p.s. – I share my day with some awesome people – so if you’re reading this, happy happy birthday to melissa, harvey, mr. masamitsu, nini, & happy sweet 16 to miss alaina!

  1. Caden

    May 2nd, 2017 at 9:45 pm

    Reading this makes my deocisins easier than taking candy from a baby.

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